Taxonomic list of Acer palmatum
In this page, we have classified maples based on “Maples of the World”. It is estimated that there are 26 species of maple trees growing wild in Japan. There are about 128 species, most of which are native to Asia. The majority are native to Asia, with others in Europe, North Africa and North America.
Japanese maples
Japanese Name | Botanical Name |
-kaede | Koidz |
asa-no-ha-kaede | Acer argutum |
chidori-no-ki | Acer carpinifolium |
hana-no-ki | Acer pycnanthum |
hauchiwa-kaede | Acer japonicum |
hina-uchiwa-kaede | Acer tenuifolium |
hitotsu-ba-kaede | Acer distylum |
hosoe-kaede | Acer capillipes |
iroha-kaede | Acer palmatum |
itaya-kaede | Acer mono Maximowicz |
kaji-kaede | Acer diabolicum |
karakogi-kaede | Acer ginnala Maximowicz |
ko-hauchiwa-kaede | Acer sieboldianum |
ko-mine-kaede | Acer micranthum |
kurobi-itaya | Acer miyabei |
kusu-no-ha-kaede | Acer oblongum |
megusuri-no-ki | Acer nikoense |
mine-kaede | Acer tschonoskii |
mitsu-de-kaede | Acer cissifolium |
nangoku-mine-kaede | Acer australe |
ogara-bana | Acer ukurunduense |
oh-itaya-meigetsu | Acer shirasawanum |
oh-momiji | Acer amoenum Carriere |
shima-uri-kaede | Acer insulare |
tetsu-kaede | Acer nipponicum |
toh-kaede | Acer buergerianum |
uri-kaede | Acer crataegifolium |
urihada-kaede | Acer rufinerve |
yakushima-onaga | Acer morifolium |
yama-momiji | Acer amoenum Carriere |
Maples of North America
Common name | Botanical name |
Big leaf maple | Acer macrophyllum |
Bigtooth maple | Acer saccharum |
Black sugar maple | Acer saccharum |
Boxelder | Acer negundo |
Canyon maple | ssp. grandidentatum |
Chalk maple | Acer saccharum |
Dwarf maple | Acer glabrum |
Florida maple | ssp. floridanum |
Hammock maple | (Acer barbatum) |
Hard maple | ssp. saccharum |
Mountain maple | Acer spicatum |
mountain maple | ssp. glabrum |
Red maple | Acer rubrum |
Rock maple | ssp. nigrum |
Rockey | Acer glabrum |
Silver maple | Acer saccharinum |
Southern sugar maple | Acer saccharum |
Striped maple | Acer pensylvanicum |
Sugar maple | Acer saccharum |
Vine maple | Acer circinatum |
White barked maple | ssp. leucoderme |
Maples of Europa & W. Asia
Common Name | Botanical Name |
Balkan maple | ssp. heldreichii |
Balkan-Ahorn | Acer hyrcanum |
Bosnian maple | Acer opalus |
Cappadocian maple | Acer cappadocicum |
Cretan maple | Acer sempervirens |
Divergent maple | Acer cappadocicum |
Erable printanier | (A. italum) |
Field maple | Acer campestre |
Great maple | Acer pseudoplatanus |
Heldreich’s maple | Acer heldreichii |
Italian maple | Acer opalus |
Italian maple | ssp. lobelii |
Kaukasus-Ahorn | ssp. trautvetteri |
Kolchischer Ahorn | ssp. cappadocicum |
Lobel maple | Acer cappadocicum |
Montpellier Maple | Acer monspessulanum |
Norway maple | Acer platanoides |
Red-bud maple | Acer heldreichii |
Tatarian maple | Acer tataricum |
Velvet maple | Acer velutinum |
Maples of the World
Most maple trees are distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, and outside of Japan, the three most common regions are North America, Europe and Western Asia, and China and Southeast Asia. Amazingly, there is only one species in the southern hemisphere and the rest are in the northern hemisphere. Today, the original species of maple in a given region is also planted in quite a few places around the world, and you can even see various foreign maples in botanical garden