当社は海上におけるシームレスで一元的なデジタル交信を実現するためのプラットフォーム「Coastal Link」開発を進めています。日本の海洋人材(財)育成において重要な役割を果たしてきた大島商船高専では、新たな練習船・大島丸(四代目)が就役しました。大型化した新練習船では、海上における実証フィールドとしての役割が期待されています。
大島丸(4代目) 大島商船高専提供
今回の共同研究によって最新デジタル技術によるプラットフォーム開発と伝統ある実践的海洋教育研究が融合、新しい大島丸を活用した海上DXの共同研究が始まります。いまVDES(VHF Data Exchange System)をはじめ、世界的規模で海上通信デジタル化が進みつつあるなか、コンテンツが大きな課題となっています。これを見極め、開発・供給するために、実践的検討を行います。
■ 代表者のコメント
ONE OCEAN、「すべての海上通信をひとつに」をビジョンとして掲げ、海上での円滑なコミュニケーションの実現と海洋域のDXを推進しています。海上デジタルプラットフォーム「CoastalLink」を通して海上モビリティのシームレスな通信を実現し、海洋DX推進に貢献していきます。
本社:福岡市中央区大名1丁目3−41G’s BASE FUKUOKA
代表取締役:瀧本 朋樹
名称:独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構 大島商船高等専門学校
Press Release:Immediate Release as of April 6th
Future Quest has signed a joint research agreement with Oshima College to conduct practical studies on maritime DX using the training ship Oshima Maru.
Future Quest and National Institute of Technology, Oshima College have signed a joint research agreement to explore the development and supply of contents required for digitalizing maritime communication. Future Quest is developing a communication platform, “CoastalLink,” to achieve seamless and unified digital communication at sea. Oshima College, which has recently launched a new training ship, the Oshima Maru, in March, will integrate the latest digital technology for platform development and traditional practical marine education research to conduct a joint study of maritime DX. As digitalization of maritime communication progresses globally, content development is becoming a major challenge. The two parties will conduct practical studies together to identify, develop, and supply such content. Through this collaboration, they aim to cultivate professionals who can contribute to the development of the maritime industry in Japan and globally.
Prof. Capt. Masao Furusho, Principal of Oshima College
“At our college, we place great emphasis on practical “making” through on-site experience and also focus on cultivating entrepreneurs. Collaboration with Future Quest, which aims for the lofty goal of unifying maritime communication, will stimulate our students. We greatly look forward to contributing to the promotion of maritime DX and the emergence of startups from our college.”
Tomoki Takimoto, CEO of Future Quest
“I myself learned at sea on a training ship in the past. I am delighted that we can conduct practical research on developing maritime communication content with Oshima College’s faculty and students on the enlarged Oshima Maru. I hope to achieve significant results through this joint research.”
[About Future Quest Inc.]
Future Quest Co., Ltd. advocates the vision of “uniting all maritime communication” through ONE OCEAN, promoting smooth communication at sea and advancing maritime DX. Through the maritime digital platform “CoastalLink,” the company aims to achieve seamless communication of maritime mobility and contribute to the promotion of maritime DX.
[About National Institute of Technology, Oshima College]
Founded 1897, Oshima College has a focus on maritime education and training, and offers various programs in marine engineering, marine electronics, navigation, and maritime business, among others. The college has a training ship, the Oshima Maru, which provides students with practical training at sea. The mission of Oshima College is to cultivate professionals who can contribute to the development of the maritime industry in Japan and globally.